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商品介紹 > 鍵盤樂器 & MIDI > MIDI鍵盤 / 合成器 > MIDI 鍵盤 / 控制器
 ★特價再優惠↘95折 ●刷卡98折
Nektar Impact GX61 61鍵主控鍵盤 GX-61
Nektar Impact GX61 61鍵主控鍵盤 GX-61
定價:NT $8400
特價:NT $6500
★特價再優惠↘95折 ●刷卡98折
結帳享 95折 優惠 (折扣於結帳頁顯示)
Nektar Impact GX61 61鍵主控鍵盤【GX-61】

Nektar Impact GX61 61鍵主控鍵盤

Compact. Powerful. Control.
Nektar products are synonymous with DAW integration and the Impact GX49 & GX61 are no exception.
The compact design is comfortable in front of a computer and delivers powerful functionality not even found on more comprehensive controllers. When inspiration strikes, the Impact GX 49 & 61 delivers the control needed to capture ideas while they are fresh. Compact. Powerful. Control.
Nektar Impact GX61 61鍵主控鍵盤 GX-61