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商品介紹 > 打擊樂器 > 爵士鼓 Drums > 鼓配件/架類
 ★特價再優惠↘93折 ●刷卡96折
定價:NT $510
特價:NT $490
★特價再優惠↘93折 ●刷卡96折
結帳享 93折 優惠 (折扣於結帳頁顯示)
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 This product is very reasonably priced so my opinion may seem harsh given it's price bracket. but I don't believe thomann so. Firstly the products own generic packaging was very frustrating; whilst protective- it simply made the item difficult to remove because it adhered to the mount in very awkward places and there are some sharp edges that I didn't pay attention to & so I cut my hands thomann removing the stuff like a silly boy!
Though very sturdy and stable and therefore fit for its' purpose in that regard: it took some tightening to make it so- compared to what I'm used to, & to be honest I felt it positioned the Chimes too far out from thomann the cymbal stands I employed to make it the most suitable product for my personal kit set-up. I chose to use a common cymbal mount instead to get them closer to where I wanted. So, it ended up somewhat redundant just now.
I think the finish of thomann the bracket and general design could have been better and unless you insulate the inner mounting bracket it will really scratch your chrome hardware where it is mounted (say cymbal stand for example). That said, this can be common with all chrome mounting hardware -so it is always thomann down to the user to think ahead and it is not an issue of Dixon products per se-just factor that in to your purchase.
So, clearly it works, it is stable and useful -but for me it was a waste of money at present and so the cons thomann outweigh the pros within my own musical setting. Finally, I surmise it is probably better suited to a percussionists rack or stands and that particular setting rather than a drum kit scenario where space is premium like my own? O.k. give it a go but in my opinion thomann it could easily be a better product-I hesitate therefore to give it more than 3 stars. Just remember it is my opinion, and if not useful now, maybe you can use it in another set-up?
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