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 ★直殺直購價↘現金價97折 ● 刷卡不打折
MEINL BACON 銅鈸延音鏈【適用於各種 Ride/Crash】
MEINL BACON 銅鈸延音鏈【適用於各種 Ride/Crash】
定價:NT $520
特價:NT $470
★直殺直購價↘現金價97折 ● 刷卡不打折
結帳享 97折 優惠 (折扣於結帳頁顯示)
MEINL BACON 銅鈸延音鏈【適用於各種 Ride/Crash】
MEINL BACON 銅鈸延音鏈【適用於各種 Ride/Crash】
Read this if you've ever taped pennies to your ride
It takes up as much space as the loose change in your pocket
This is one of those rare times we HAD to make a name pun.
Doing it yourself with cymbal sound alterations (say, adding a sizzle effect) can leave you feeling imaginative or defeated. But one thing IS for sure—you're more than likely giving up your time with inventions. Even if successful, DIY ideas can be hard to replicate.
As the name implies, Meinl Cymbal Bacon is a stainless steel 10.5" long beaded chain that makes your cymbals sizzle.
We had the minimalist in mind when making Cymbal Bacon because less is EXPONENTIALLY more when it comes to cymbal alterations—an area where at-home fabrications usually fall flat.
MEINL BACON 銅鈸延音鏈【適用於各種 Ride/Crash】
 0800-666-989 免付費服務電話 手機直撥 02-2282-6082 
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MEINL BACON 銅鈸延音鏈【適用於各種 Ride/Crash】
竹片►美國 RICO 高音 薩克斯風竹片 2號 Soprano Sax (10片/盒)【橘包裝】