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Dunlop M281 MXR 貝斯前級放大效果器【MXR Thump Bass Preamp/M-281】
Dunlop M281 MXR 貝斯前級放大效果器【MXR Thump Bass Preamp/M-281】
定價:NT $6200
特價:NT $4850
Dunlop M281 MXR 貝斯前級放大效果器【MXR Thump Bass Preamp/M-281】
Dunlop M281 MXR 貝斯前級放大效果器【MXR Thump Bass Preamp/M-281】
The MXR Thump Bass Preamp is a tone-sweetening, signal-boosting, and altogether groove
-enhancingmachine. This pedal was conceived when the MXR design team and our in-house
bass players discovered that the Echoplex® Preamp’s sonic secret sauce made for just as
delectable a pairing with bass as it does with guitar. Using that circuitry as a foundation, the
MXR team added a simple yet potent tone-shaping interface so that you can dial in the perfect
bass sound for the stage and the studio.
▲介紹影片如下 :

Dunlop M281 MXR 貝斯前級放大效果器【MXR Thump Bass Preamp/M-281】
 0800-666-989 免付費服務電話 手機直撥 02-2282-6082 
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Dunlop M281 MXR 貝斯前級放大效果器【MXR Thump Bass Preamp/M-281】
Dunlop M282G1 MXR 貝斯壓縮效果器【Dunlop Dyna Comp Bass Pedal】