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商品介紹 > 音箱 & 效果器 > 效果器 > DUNLOP 效果器
 ★特價再優惠↘93折 ●刷卡96折
Dunlop JHM9 迷你娃娃效果器【Jimi Hendrix Cry Baby Mini Wah Pedal】
Dunlop JHM9 迷你娃娃效果器【Jimi Hendrix Cry Baby Mini Wah Pedal】
定價:NT $6100
★特價再優惠↘93折 ●刷卡96折
結帳享 93折 優惠 (折扣於結帳頁顯示)
Dunlop JHM9 迷你娃娃效果器【Jimi Hendrix Cry Baby Mini Wah Pedal】
Dunlop JHM9 迷你娃娃效果器【Jimi Hendrix Cry Baby Mini Wah Pedal】
The wah pedal that Hendrix used was a '60s design by the Thomas Organ Company and
manufacturedby JEN in Italy-the unmistakable wah tone heard on Hendrix classics like Up From
the Sky, Voodoo Child(Slight Return), Little Miss Lover and Still Raining, Still Dreaming.
Jimi Hendrix relied on his wah to delivera stunning array of tones. The Dunlop JHM9 Jimi Hendrix
Cry Baby Mini Wah Effect Pedal is crafted todeliver the same dynamic tonal sweep of that original
wah, and it comes in at half the footprint of astandard wah pedal with a classy chrome top rocker
and black gator base. 
Dunlop JHM9 迷你娃娃效果器【Jimi Hendrix Cry Baby Mini Wah Pedal】
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