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 ★直殺直購價↘現金價97折 ● 刷卡不打折
Behringer 耳朵牌 Micromon MA400 耳機擴大器【耳擴/MA-400】
Behringer 耳朵牌 Micromon MA400 耳機擴大器【耳擴/MA-400】
定價:NT $2350
特價:NT $1800
★直殺直購價↘現金價97折 ● 刷卡不打折
結帳享 97折 優惠 (折扣於結帳頁顯示)
Behringer 耳朵牌 Micromon MA400 耳機擴大器【耳擴/MA-400】

Behringer 耳朵牌 Micromon MA400 耳機擴大器【耳擴/MA-400】

Note: High volumes can damage your hearing and your headphones. Before you use the MA400,,turn the MIC LEVEL controls to 0(zero).
1.) 12 V---CONNECTOR:To connect the power supply unit to the MA400,use the 12V connector.Connecting the power supply unit to the mains automatically switches the MA400 on.To disconnect the unit from the mains,pull out the main cord plug.
2.) ON LED:As soon as the unit is connected to the mains,the ON LED is illuminated.
3.) MIC INPUT CONNECTOR:To send a microphone signal to the MA400,you need an audio cable that includes XLR connectors.
•One XLR connector into the MIC INPUT connector
•The other XLR connector into the microphone
4.) MIC THRU CONNECTOR:If you want to route the microphone signal from thr MA400 to a mixer you need an audio cable that includes XLR connectors.
•One XLR connector into the MIC THRU connector
•The other XLR connector into a mic input on the mixer
5.) GND LIFT BUTTON: When you connect a mixer to the MA400,keep this button pushed out to maintain a ground connection to the mixer.
6.) MONITOR INPUT CONNECTOR:To send a signal from a mixer or HI-FI unit to the MA400,you need an audio cable that includes ¼” connectors.
7.) ¼”PHONES CONNECTOR, (8)1/8”PHONES CONNECTOR:To connect headphones to the MA400,use the ¼” or alternatively the 1/8”PHONES connector.
9.) MONO/STEREO SWITCH:To specify the type of a mixer or HI-FI signal the MA400 receives,use this switch.
•a TS connector into the MONITOR INPUT,the MA400 receives a mono signal.Push this switch to MONO.
•a TRS connector into the MONITOR INPUT,the MA400 receives a stereo signal.Push this switch to STEREO.
10.) MIC LEVEL CONTROL:To adjust the volume of the microphone signal,slowly turn this control toward 0 or alternatively 10(maximum volume).
11.) MON LEVEL CONTROL:To adjust the volume of the mixer or HI-FI signal,slowly turn this control toward 0 or alternatively 10 (maximum volume)

Behringer 耳朵牌 Micromon MA400 耳機擴大器【耳擴/MA-400】

 0800-666-989 免付費服務電話 手機直撥 02-2282-6082 
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Behringer 耳朵牌 Micromon MA400 耳機擴大器【耳擴/MA-400】
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