美國 Taylor 木吉他(GS-mini)ES-go專用拾音快拆系統 GSMINI ESGO 拾音器 84022
編號:美國 Taylor 木吉他(GS-mini)ES-go 拾音器
定價:NT $4700
特價:NT $3300
★直殺直購價↘現金價97折 ● 刷卡不打折 結帳享 97折 優惠(折扣於結帳頁顯示)
美國 Taylor 木吉他(GS-mini)ES-go專用拾音快拆系統 GSMINI ESGO 拾音器
美國 Taylor 木吉他(GS-mini)ES-go專用拾音快拆系統 Taylor此次推出GS mini 木吉他,同時推出「ES-Go」拾音器
Developed exclusively for the Taylor Mini and based on Taylor's Expression System technology
the ES-Go is a magnetic, stacked-humbucking soundhole pickup that anyone can easily add to their Mini without the help of a guitar technician. All you need is a screwdriver and a few minutes. Once the ES-Go pickup is in place, the GS Mini can be plugged into an acoustic amp, PA system or recording device for a great amplified acoustic sound.