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D'Addario PW-VGFL-01 指力器套裝組【PLANET WAVES/DAddario】
D'Addario PW-VGFL-01 指力器套裝組【PLANET WAVES/DAddario】
定價:NT $1100
特價:NT $800
D'Addario PW-VGFL-01 指力器套裝組【PLANET WAVES/DAddario】
D'Addario PW-VGFL-01 指力器套裝組【PLANET WAVES/DAddario】
The D'Addario Varigrip and FiddiLink Bundle gives you two amazing hand fitness products to help you develop and
maintain the strength and dexterity of your fingers, hands, and forearms. Varigrip features an ergonomic design with
variable tension, which is customizable for each individual finger. Beneath the reversible molded grip are simulated
strings to help maintain finger calluses when you're away from your instrument. FiddiLink helps you improve coordination
on-the-go. Continuously invert the linked plastic hinges to give your hand a workout, subtly expanding your physical
conditioning and playing capabilities. With this bundle, you’ll be able to advance your circulation, speed, fine motor
skills and overall hand health anytime, anywhere.
▲ 商品影片:
D'Addario PW-VGFL-01 指力器套裝組【PLANET WAVES/DAddario】
 0800-666-989 免付費服務電話 手機直撥 02-2282-6082 
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D'Addario PW-VGFL-01 指力器套裝組【PLANET WAVES/DAddario】