Dunlop SLS1036BN 亮黑鎳 安全背帶扣 Black Chrome Dual Design 原廠公司貨
定價:NT $950
特價:NT $930
★特價再優惠↘93折 ●刷卡96折 結帳享 93折 優惠(折扣於結帳頁顯示)
Dunlop SLS1036BN 亮黑鎳 安全背帶扣 Black Chrome Dual Design 原廠公司貨
Dunlop SLS1036BN 亮黑鎳 安全背帶扣 Black Chrome Dual Design 原廠公司貨
▲The Dunlop Straplok system is the strap retainer designed with the artist in mind. Its 360º groove and ball design allows the unit to rotate without catching. Interchangeable strap buttons allow the same strap to be used with several guitars. Release-tested up to 800lbs of pull, Dunlop Straplok buttons will not come loose under normal playing conditions.
Dunlop SLS1036BN 亮黑鎳 安全背帶扣 Black Chrome Dual Design 原廠公司貨