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 ★特價再優惠↘93折 ●刷卡96折
Sabian 8吋 AAX Aero Splash Brilliant Cymbal 樂隊銅鈸【型號:208XACB】
Sabian 8吋 AAX Aero Splash Brilliant Cymbal 樂隊銅鈸【型號:208XACB】
定價:NT $7290
特價:NT $6500
★特價再優惠↘93折 ●刷卡96折
結帳享 93折 優惠 (折扣於結帳頁顯示)
Sabian 8吋 AAX Aero Splash Brilliant Cymbal 樂隊銅鈸【型號:208XACB】
Sabian 8吋 AAX Aero Splash Brilliant Cymbal 樂隊銅鈸【型號:208XACB】 
▲SABIAN 208XACB 8inch AAX Aero Splash Brilliant
Founded in New Brunswick, Canada in 1981 by Robert Zildjian following a split with the company that bears his name, SABIAN has grown into one of the "Big Four" cymbal manufacturers along with Zildjian, Meinl and Paiste.
The AA series was introduced in 1982 and like all SABIAN cymbals, is still made in New Brunswick today. Innovations in SABIAN's lathing and hammering technology brought about the AAX Series - the world’s first modern cymbal. With more brightness, cut, and a super wide dynamic range, AAX cymbals are great for Pop, Rock, R&B, Hip-Hop, or Country. AAX Aero Splashes decay more naturally than SABIAN O-Zone splashes, but their multiple small-hole pattern design delivers a higher density of white noise concentration than the AAX Air Splash. If you're looking for high-end cut with the perfect blend of musical effect with white noise, the AAX Aero Splash is the perfect choice.
Sabian 8吋 AAX Aero Splash Brilliant Cymbal 樂隊銅鈸【型號:208XACB】 
 0800-666-989 免付費服務電話 手機直撥 02-2282-6082 
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Sabian 8吋 AAX Aero Splash Brilliant Cymbal 樂隊銅鈸【型號:208XACB】
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