LINE6有對手了!BOSS 無線發射來勢洶洶 WL-Series Wireless System
Roland BOSS 一口氣發表 WL-20/WL-20L/WL-50

BOSS WL-Series Wireless System Introduction (WL-20/WL-20L/WL-50) 無線發射系統
Roland BOSS 一口氣發表 WL-20/WL-20L/WL-50

Boss Unveils WL-Series Wireless Systems
Boss' new WL-Series systems feature a plug-and-play setup with newly developed wireless technology.

Boss WL-50 Wireless System
Boss WL-50 Wireless System
Boss has announced its new WL series, a new line of wireless systems for guitar, bass and other electronic instruments.
The WL Series' optimum wireless connection is set automatically when the transmitter and receiver components are docked, with no other user intervention required. A built-in rechargeable battery in the transmitter provides up to 12 hours of continuous play time.

The WL-20 Wireless System is as simple to use as a standard guitar cable. A small transmitter plugs into the instrument and a matching receiver plugs into a pedal or amp. The receiver includes cable tone simulation, which reproduces the natural capacitive effect of a 10-foot/3-meter guitar cable.
The WL-50 Wireless System is ideally suited for pedalboards. It features an integrated transmitter dock, plus two cable tone simulation options. The receiver is powered via a PSA-series adapter or AA batteries. With adapter power, the receiver’s DC output can distribute power to one or more pedals.
The WL-T Wireless Transmitter can be purchased as a spare for use with a WL-20, WL-20L, or WL-50 system or the Katana-Air wireless guitar amp.
BOSS WL-Series Wireless System Introduction (WL-20/WL-20L/WL-50) 無線發射系統